Application 7191

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well, i'm not too good at redstone and i'd really like to improve my skills. I do know a few things, but I believe learning with other players would teach me faster and keep me active. Redstone is another skill I need to master and this sounds like the best place to do so! :D Also my freind has told me many great things about this server and I feel like he's right. My freind Clayness told me about this by the way. I'd really just like to learn how to do redstone better, because i'm considering making a map.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I have built a redstone trap (it's also in visitors warp), i've done a trick or treat machine, i've done a on and off room light and a flickering light. As I said previously, i don't know much. I can make clocks, and I do know that the signals only last for about 7 blocks. I can make doors, and secret holes as well.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Well, the redstone trap is a hidden trap that you could make a deep hole, lava, etc. The trick or treat machine is VERY complex, and i DID take the idea from the youtuber generikb, it has an easy point though. You have a witch in glass, and a dispenser full of goodies under the floor. It allows a signal to either pass through a piston taking up the glass, allowing the witch to throw potions at you. If it goes to the dispenser, you get the goodie! The lights aren't too complex, anyone could do it. I just put a redstone signal and a lever over redstone lamps in the roof. As for the flickering, i made a redstone clock.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Well, i'm a really good helper and a pretty moderate builder. I'm usually a very happy and laid out person, who likes to joke and mess around. I try not to bother, but I like to help with anything, and just cause i can mention it, I suck at PvP. I am american, and I speak english. I am a Minecraft nerd, and a Ninitendo nerd as well. I am a boy, 13 years old as i said, and i'm also tall for my age. I'll go ahead and say im 6'3". My first name is David, so feel free to call me that. :)
Application status: 


I think there's a glitch....i posted it 1 time and it posted 4 applications. :/
I only meant for 1.

By Brawlin Wolfie
Flandyn's picture

You're writing well, and giving us a lot of information. But to be quite honost, how tall you are is very irrelevant. What you could write would be language skills, because that actually comes in handy. Anyways, congratulation on passing the application system. See you in-game ;)

By Flandyn