posted by LordDecapo
on Wed, 2014-05-07 02:24
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I redstone CPU's... and have friends already on here.
Current Redstone knowledge:
lawls i am building a 16bit hyperthreaded CPU with full programing Lang and Kernel ;) SexiButterfly
Past Redstone Experience:
i was/am a member of ORE and have built a 7bit calc on the xbox 360 version, and have build multiple CPU's.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I iz are fun and smartitcles and ya i wanna join mainly to help friends out on here
Application status:
Not approved
Obviously you have alot of knowledge and it will be great to have you here. But it does not change the fact we have a requirement: Two full lines per question. I hope you consider re-applying, and I'm looking forward to have you on the server!
so missed that part xD lol ya ill do it now
new app
dude th 2nd one you made was awesome but not this one sorry to say that!