posted by LordDecapo
on Thu, 2014-05-08 20:54
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
2nd application. didnt realize there was an answer length req. xP I have a liking for redstone because it allows me to use engineering knowledge and apply it somewhere with out having to have a lot of money to spend, i believe i can have fun applying that knowledge on this server, i also have some friends on here that i would like to help with there projects.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I am fluent in logic circuits mainly, havent done that much with doors, or survival type of stuff. I like designing new parts for CPU's/computers and have a good knowledge of how to go from circuit concept to circuit reality, as i had to do to make a full CPU "front end".
Past Redstone Experience:
I have made several claculators, my first was full decimal and could add and subtract and used some BBAAAADDDD shift register kinda stuff to do its logic, and had to be reset each time. did a 2nd one and that one the same concept but HUGE and overly complex for what it did. i finally made a good working one (all of these were on the xbox 360) . Then I went to PC, and started making more general purpose stuff, currently working on a 16bit Hyperthreaded Ccomputer, with a 64x64 display and 16kb of serial storage.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I wants to helps friends i have that play on here XD
Application status:
this is really good info for an application really good
Awesomeness, overload.
Hope you will get accepted, btw if you are a good redstoner, am sure you'll learn from someoen and someone will learn from you c: