posted by happymyself
on Mon, 2014-05-26 22:27
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Since i started playing minecraft my attention has been drawn to redstone since it is similar to computers in real life! i ave spent some hours on the visitor area and the server seems so nice and i like how people on this server are friendly i would like to have a redstone focused server so i can learn stuff from other people and share my creations with you!
Current Redstone knowledge:
Well i know the basics and a work well with memory i would like to learn more about redstone to end up building ALU´s and computers in your server
Past Redstone Experience:
well before i used to download worlds full of redstone creations just to see how their machines worked ive learned alot from those world s and i hope i learn alot from you guys too
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Im not a pro at redstone and thats why i want to join this server i want to end up being a pro on redstone and i believe i can do that on this server! I allready made an aplication and it didnt pass ihope you guys give me a chance
Application status:
please use /apphelper in game on our server
I'm sorry happy but this one may not pass either. -.- We would like you to have more than one or two lines per field. Feel free to make another app and be more in depth with your responses. Screenshots of your own creations with an explanation or a video linked in will greatly improve your chances of being accepted. Remember, don't be brief, but don't exaggerate either. I hope you find this helpful as well as the /apphelper info found in game. I look forward to seeing you as a learner soon. =D