Application 7339

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in join so I can use redstone and be able to look at others' work and learn from it and to build with others to make the best things possible. I have already made some friends on the server and with low space in the visitor area to work I think having my own space would be great, I would also like large space so I could start to make some things that had slight malfunctions on my sp world and try to correct errors with some friends. And, I would find the game much more enjoyable if my stuff didn't get griefed.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Some of my skills in redstone is making groupings very well, allowing me to be able to easily make a long display for numbers which could be used for making calculators which is another thing I am interested in and know quite a bit about: Binary, bits etc. things I'm interested in learning about include displays words could be put on and more about elevators and doors which are really what I hopped right to when I first got Minecraft. I also know of most gates and how they work and how to mix them into creations at the right points. Though not allowed as far as I know on the server my main strength is TNT cannons, all of my best creations have been tnt cannons which you will see next question. I have found myself normally trying to find new ways to work with redstone in tutorials rather than actually building whatever it was on and trying to put those things into my redstone, I also seem to do the same thing with maps that have complicated things in them which are starting to seem simpler and simpler by the day.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Some of the best of my creations have been a cannon with grouping of activations to allow the input to reach the cannons so I could fire in different orders, a timer using pistons from a video but modified heavily by me to go 3, 2, 1, 0 then drop you into a pit of lava and have the floor close above you, a quick 3x3 piston door using pressure plates to activate it and t flip-flops leading to an XOR gate which brings me to another one of my best creations which was a hidden base in the side of a mountain and the only evidence is a lever but I could make there be none, it uses a concealed 2x2 piston door with an XOR hooked up to it and a piston to open where the tnt from the cannon inside of the base fire from and my last 'good' creation was a large piston (not zipper) elevator that I actually made on the server that pops a piston from a wall then it pushes you (Don't know what its called) and it use half slabs for vertical carrying.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I live in Missouri, speak English and don't take offensive behavior too seriously.
Application status: 


I have also tried to rebuild machines that have been griefed and have fixed the minecart skate park thing.

By dudecoolcar

And by the way I really am 10.

By dudecoolcar