Application 7336

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I love to play minecraft and I love redstone. I think redstone is an amazing idea and I think its great you guys put together a cool server like this.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know a bit about redstone I know how to make gates and Ive made cpus before. I know how to use pistons and such and I can make a piston elevator if I have the time.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I used to know nothing of redstone. Until I got into it and I started watching youtube and experimenting getting to learn redstone.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I just love to play minecraft and that's pretty much it!
Application status: 


I also donated 5 bucks so I was hoping I could get my donator rank please thankyou :)

By mentalperson
Flandyn's picture

Hei, actually you're supposed to write two full lines per question, to be approved. And a $5 donation will either pass your application and turn you from Visitor to Learner. Or it'll give you from any other rank than Visitor a Donator rank. But I feel that since you have applied, and it'd be unfair just giving you Learner for the donation, so I have infact given you a full Donator rank. Welcome to the server!

Best regards:

By Flandyn

That means a lot thankyou dude! :)

By mentalperson