Application 7430

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
REDSTONE creatures and learning about redstone
Current Redstone knowledge: 
very much I can build great things, but not things like computers
Past Redstone Experience: 
A game with connections and doors and animations in the wall and light. It will be on my youtube channel next time. My Youtube channel : BATchHD
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I speak German and I like to help other people
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

Hello, I've denied you because of lack of information. We're recommending all appliers to write atleast two full lines per question. I hope you consider re-applying!

Hallo, Ich habe dein Bewerbung abgelehnt da du schreibst nicht genug. Ich empfehle alles zu zwei Zeilen pro Frage schreiben. Ich hoffe du willst hier wieder ansuchen!

Best regards / GrĂ¼ssen

By Flandyn