posted by gostcut
on Mon, 2014-07-28 12:59
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i love the idea of having a redstone based server as there is not many out there. i love making redstone creations and love playing with others. i also love making a big redstone based project with others. I really hope i get accepted as i love doing redstone. I am really intreasted with the server and i am going to play on it aload
Current Redstone knowledge:
i have a load of expierence with redstone especially the complex part of it i was inspired with what sethbling used to make and i thought i could do that one day and now i can. i can make various doors / clocks / other things.
Past Redstone Experience:
a redstone ore powered auto door i used the following: daylight sensor , redstone ore , redstone dust ,redstone dust , block of chioce & door. walk on the ore to activate it then it gives out a redstone siginal meaning a block with a torch on will turn on and off when its activated and deactivated
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i like turtles
Application status:
im waiting :3
any idea how long it will take