Application 7542

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
well i like redstone a lot and i would like to be able to test some things away from the single player game. I also need a bukkit server that allows redstone in creative as soon as i start so that i can test out a piston portcullis design that i was working on another server for but they dont have a creative world and I dont have the resources to go about fidling with it in survival
Current Redstone knowledge: 
well i know a little bit mostly the basics everything else is on the fly i know how to make some bud updates work i also know some tricks with underground hidden doors that use the locking repeater feature. however I am in no way a master but i can copy a lot of redstone contraptions based on what im looking at i have built an elevator that had a floor selection based on that ability it only had 3 floors and took me 5 days to build.
Past Redstone Experience: 
well the most recent i've built was a completely flat piston do that lead into the ground and i used the repeater locking feature to fix that up however i built that just after they implemented that feature. I also have built and fixed a few designs by other players including a water bucket collector so i had some way to counter fires in a town i had on the towny server i play on.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
If i didnt need to use this server (cause the portcullis i was working on in the towny server is broke and doesnt work in bukkit version 8 or something like that and i could fly around like i was in creative on there) i wouldn't be applying at all so if you dont let me in i understand its not the end of the world i can work on finding another server however i would ask that you at least try to see why im doing this.
Application status: 


flat piston door*

By speedythdead