Application 7743

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i am intrested in joining this server beacause i want to create things and show my inventions to everyone and help people or get better myself i just think its also good because i can make things with my friends and show them things because i cant be bothered to make a server myself LOL
Current Redstone knowledge: 
my current redstone knolage is not that good thats why i want to join so i can learn more and if i do come up with some creations i have a way to share them i have made a printer on my single player world but i can do it one the server because i cant use command blocks ive also made a couple of other things to
Past Redstone Experience: 
well ive made a couple of things on single player but i could not show them to anyone but my friends i made a printer a elevator ,coded door umm number displayer ,cool cart thing a couple of songs made a few things with my friends in my printer it used alot of command blocks and the command blocs placed the block then pistons pushed it along to make the piture made in the chest
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
im gonna be in this server alot
Application status: 
Not approved


onlybob's picture

Please use proper sentences. Thank you.

By onlybob

Using bad English...... wow

By jacobo5