Application for kausticdood

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
because it seems to be an interesting server. i think that creative redstone servers should pop up more often than they do now. honestly i also needed a testing server for mp creative testing :P. i can help figure thngs out with redstone, and i feel that there are probably good people on this server.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
and gates not gates nand gates slime elevators and a lot of other stuff i dont want to do right now sorry. i am going to fill the rest with redstone now. redstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstone .
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have built many things, but my favorite thing to do sadly is modify and combine other peoples stuff to form new stuff. my favorite INVENTION though was the old and mighty time bomb with furnace and BUD switch and LOTS of TNT carts. redstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstoneredstone.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
not really. i would love to join the server and would really appreciate a warm welcome (not to warm XP)
Application status: 
Not approved


MeSoLost's picture

denied due to "nonsence fluff"

By MeSoLost