posted by eL_T
on Tue, 2015-02-03 03:06
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I enjoy the Redstone aspects of Minecraft. I've been playing Minecraft for a little over a year now on single player and want to play with others now. Browsing through server listings I came across this server and it seems legit, and I'd like to learn some new things with vanilla Redstone, and perhaps teach others some of the things I've learned throughout the days.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Proficient with most (useful) logic gates; good understanding of the components (blocks) in Minecraft and what their abilities/limits are; piston logic; torch logic. Beyond "Redstone": knowledge of circuits and integrated circuits; proficient in binary math (written and circuit logic); understand BCD and BIN to DEC; general knowledge of CPU design and components; basic programming skills/logic.
Past Redstone Experience:
7-segment counters, digital clocks and timers etc..; BCD to BIN; word "processor" (basically a glorified typewriter); ALU functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, comparing (Would LOVE to learn a division module!!!) binary counters, decoders; RAM, ROM, logic gates, secret doors...I've forgotten more than I know, so to speak.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
> 15 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I started on Xbox...very limited due to no WorldEdit and no repeater shift counter ability. Moved to PC and got heavily into mods like ProjectRed and RedLogic. (Creds to the creators, as they are both very good mods). Built some fantastic designs that are unrivaled on the interweb (that I could find, anyways). I was able to make very compact CPU components, and in the process learned a great deal about binary logic. Then, I got into Command Blocks. Turned MC into a whole new game, as I was only limited to time and imagination. Built some cool stuff, even a fully functional Pac-Man game...though I didn't finish it. (I need to, its pretty badass). Its basically playable, just needs some tedious fine-tuning to be perfect. But anyways, I just got back on MC after a 6 month break while I was playing GTA V, and figured its time to learn from and help others online. I answer forum questions about Command Blocks, but now I want to get hands on and make some cool shit, and be proud when others like it, and I always feel good when I help or enlighten others. I couldn't find a server ANYWHERE that allows command blocks, and can't find one that does Modded logic gates, so I will commit to vanilla Redstoning from here on.
Application status:
My username in MC Forums is crome420. You can see some of my answers to others questions. I've put in my fair time to research and believe I would be of assistance on your server.
May be worth noting that I am only online Mon, Tues, and Thurs nights after 5:00pm CST, sometimes Sunday as well.