umm lots of stuffs...
IizR13 features all of the following plus more, and is currently in the final stages of development and building
-8tick clock
-7 stage (6 effective stages given the Fwd logic) pipeline
-multiline 16-48bit long custom IizR-IS
-full relative and direct branching, with the ability to Call and Return to/from a function or sub-program. (16bit addressing of Program memory available)
-256Bytes of RAM with 36 addresses memory mapped to status, mask, PC and Stack locations, as well as a 36 deep LRU based Cache (memory mapped locations arent included in the Cache, as they are more local then the full 256bytes of RAM)
-256 lines of PROM as well as the ability to take code from any of the 8 hardware ports via serial, or the parallel port dedicaded to a larger PROM/Cache system for instructions, which is yet to be made due to the 256 lines of PROM xD, will be added shortly after initial testing)
-15 registers, some are special purpose, 1 is mapped to the Data stack
-8(15)deep stack for data (8 available to programmer, extra 7 are for a single Interrupt based context switch)
-7 hardware ports (1 dedicated to a keyboard, 1 for network, and 1 for display, the remaining 4 are entirely universal and programmed to do almost anything.,, i personally will be making a pokemon based battle game and have it plugged into a port as a "gamepak"
-full software and hardware interrupt support (which will have a seperate microcode system for handeling the interrupts and context switching such things)
The built in 256 lines of PROM will be programmed with a basic set of subfunctions you can add to any program you make on the external memory. Also included in that PROM will be a basic Kernel/OS and boot sequence. so you can load multiple programs, and have liek a min system to navigate them with. as well as make programming easier.
Programming it will be made much much easier given multiple peoples help,
Autoprogram plugin for ORE made by Mort
AnyAssemblyIS>binary type program made Jallen
and another binary>autoprogram program made by MagicalGentalman
and another layer to take basic C LIKE code to assembly which will be a colab by Freeman (VoltzLive), DylanRussell, I, and most likely Tuchi, magical and jallen, maybe others xD haha, i love colab with others to get the best ideas for stuff and others view points.
ya so can i atleast have a rank with WorldEdit plz?
thats all i ask :D
i have other older versions of this build, but this version is the newest, and has a vast amount of improvements over the last ones.
umm everyone on staff follow this as this is how they treat us.
"You cannot use any builds outside our own server to be promoted". This is a quote from the ORE server staff when our members have tried this approach. Hence we have no choice but to fight fire with fire. I am sorry, but until things over there change, outside builds are not acceptable as a request to be promoted on this server. I hope the chaos on the ORE settles down and wish you to have a good day.