posted by SlimeEnergy
on Sat, 2015-04-11 21:54
In-game name:
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because i really want to interact when i redstone. I want to join a server that is based on redstone. Where i can meet new people who share the same interest as me. Redstone. Also I think it will be really fun to redstone with other players and show them what i know and see what they also know.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I am learning potion effects in /summon. I know how to make falling sand commands (summon FallingSand ~ ~2 ~ {Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Block:command_block,Time:1,TileEntityData:{Command:tellraw @a [{text:"Building",color:red},{text:" 100%",color:blue}]},Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Block:command_block,Time:1,TileEntityData:{Command:fill ~1 ~1 ~1 ~20 ~20 ~20 wool 13},Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Time:1,Block:redstone_block,Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Time:1,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:tellraw @a [{text:"Building",color:red},{text:" 0%",color:blue}]}}}}}}})
Its a 1 command block creation. It will make a huge green cube.
Master with /give and /tellraw
Past Redstone Experience:
I have been redstoning since 1.6. I started with /setblock commands and then /summon and it sorta grew on me. I made minecraft maps for my brother with redstone. My best creation would be one that makes a structure with one command block. But that one broke (i broke the command block, oops) before i could copy it. This is my current best command now, its really bad but whatever summon FallingSand ~ ~2 ~ {Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Block:command_block,Time:1,TileEntityData:{Command:tellraw @a [{text:"Building",color:red},{text:" 100%",color:blue}]},Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Block:command_block,Time:1,TileEntityData:{Command:fill ~1 ~1 ~1 ~20 ~20 ~20 wool 13},Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Time:1,Block:redstone_block,Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Time:1,Block:command_block,TileEntityData:{Command:tellraw @a [{text:"Building",color:red},{text:" 0%",color:blue}]}}}}}}}
Application status:
App :P