Avalanche (game)

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Kyrinon: Learner
Creation location: 
Machine Features: 

The heart of the machine is a three bit randomizer with an inverted analog output. It uses a bunch of analog circuits including memory cells, counter, falling edge detector etc. It has progressive levels and an auto reset. For what is dose I would say the circuitry is relatively compact.

How To Use: 

To start playing simply stand on any of the pressure plates and the game will start after a few seconds. You just have to not get "hit" by falling "rocks" for every 10 that you doge the rocks will get bigger. if you get hit the whole screen will light up. to reset just jump off of the presser plates. if you want to watch it run without playing you can just switch the lever on the system clock input. You can reset the difficulty manually by pressing the button on the back of the machine at any time.

Request status: 


Flandyn's picture

Woesh and I reviewed it. We almost gave it a bad rating. Every other pressure plate powers three rows because of a mistake from you. But since we managed to spot it, we overlooked it. You have good structure and your wiring is quite nice to look at. You have good understanding regarding timing and SS. You show some creativity with your variation of the game rainbow runner. When we sum it up, we believe you have knowledge which can be found in our Regulars, therefore we salute and congratulate you as regular!

Best regards

By Flandyn

Thanks for finding that mistake. I was wondering why it was so hard to play, I thought it was just lag. It's fixed now. If you have any other tips or suggestions please let me know.

By Kyrinon