Application for DizzyTJ

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
baceuse i love building with redstone. I am super exited about it.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
huh. my knowledge is like this: i know how to connect and build and make it amazing. thats all i got to say
Past Redstone Experience: 
ok. my bast creation is a totaly trapped castle (like very long) and a note block Gravity Falls theme song. castle is made out of tripwirehooks and dispensers and very much redstone.My note block song is really long made out of noteblocks ,redstone ,redstone reapeators and some blocks (sand, glass, stone, dirt, wooden planks) to change the note block's notes. I am very sorry that i dont have videos but i have screenshots.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I really hopei could be a higher rank on your server because they are greifing at visitor arena
Application status: 
Not approved


i am very sorry for my space troubles. it's not working well. i would like to fix some words i written down.first my language is english.
then why are you interested to join server because and then on the end hope i. Yea thats all.

By DizzyTJ
Flandyn's picture

Some questions requires you to write two full lines per question. An other note; you can't just place the image name in the link section, you need to upload the images first, I'd recommend imagure.

By Flandyn