posted by NickDoesGamin
on Mon, 2015-08-10 14:45
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I was looking for a server that let me build my red stone creations, but also let me show people the things I created. Also on this server, I get to see other peoples creations, which would inspire me to build better red stone contraptions. Lastly, If I needed help on a build, I could just ask one of the other builders to help me out.
Current Redstone knowledge:
My red stone knowledge is fairly good, because I have built things like retractable hidden lights, red stone elevators, hidden staircases, and much more hidden doors, like 2x2s and 3x3s. I can also build mini TNT cannons, double shot TNT cannons, and obviously regular TNT cannons. I hope you think my red stone knowledge is sufficient for becoming a full member.
Past Redstone Experience:
I think my best red stone creation was when I built a small self building house in my single player world. ( I'm not gonna lie, I did get a little help from watching a tutorial video on YouTube ) I used lots of regular pistons, 8 sticky pistons, repeaters, about two stacks of red stone dust, some glass, and trapdoors.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
For the visitor area, even though I really wanted to use droppers and dispensers, I think that it was a good idea not to include them because someone might build a TNT cannon that is pointed at someone's build. ( I think you know what would happen next )
Thanks for reading my application and I hope you accept me as a builder.
Application status:
sorry I wrote down my gamer name as my real name, lol. My real name is actually Nicholas, but you can call me nick.