It is a simple redstone house that is packed with underground machinery First there is the piston door in the entrance which Is a pretty simple design. Then there is a secret redstone torch mechanism (place around the furnace in floor you'll find it) Then if you go towards the left wall you should find a button click that and go down and you should come across the brewing station. Going back up using /ascend twice if needed. Then if you walk to the right wall you should see another button. Click that and you should be slime, transported to a open/closed 3x3 door. Place a redstone torch where instructed. There Is a lever for the stairs to go up to the exit which is a simple slime block launcher with a opening and closing block. Also my friend tcat2 copied me with the idea of a piston house so his house if connected via the brewing station :). As you can see if built a jeb door for him.
Follow the instuctions given and if you see any signs (except for the brewing stations) follow the instructions that they provide.
If you wish there is a feedback board in the front if you want to leave a response there also.
I forgot to mention me and silent eagel
are both learners