Application for CocoaMix

CocoaMix's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm interested in joining this server so that I can improve my overall redstone knowledge. I've been meaning of learning how to make cpu's and alu's, and I think this would be the place to do so. I'm skilled in working with comparators and can probably show you guys some nifty things with them. I have created a 20-bit repeaterless, torchless, pistonless BCD encoder, and I would love to share that with you guys, or at least how to do it.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
As stated in #1, I'm very good with comparator based logic circuits, as well as the average, run-of-the-mill gates (xor, and, or, etc...). Lots of my redstone skills I have today date back to the early days of Sethbling and his "Redston with a Mojangster" series. From there, I continually picked up knowledge and also self taught myself some stuff. There are things I would love to learn though, such as CPU's and ALU's. I think knowing these would be a great asset in my knowledge "aresenal"
Past Redstone Experience: 
Some stuff I've made in the past include 2 calculators. The first one was really clunky, relying on Shift registers for adding. Input 1 would be written into the registers, and Input 2 would activate each register however many times that digit was. Example: If I input #1 as 456, Register 2, would hold a 5. I then input #2 with 987, which would pulse Register 2 8 times. It did carry out and rollover to the registers beside them when it hit 10. The second calculator was much more streamlined and faster, using compact xor setups for ripple-carry binary addition and subtraction. The ouputs were encoded into BCD and then displayed on 7 segment display boards using 4-bit binary decoders. This one could also handle negative numbers.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm currently in the progress of building a 4 function, repeaterless, torchless, pistonless calculator. the BCD encoder, adder/subtractor combo, and multiplier are all 100% done and working. I just need a divider.
Application status: 


LoneAssassinC's picture

Ayy der Cocoa! :D

By LoneAssassinC