As time go by and the learners area fills up to be crowded. We have to do a clean up in the Learners area. It will be done November the 4th! So you have 30 days untill the clearing.
Learner: Do I get to save my project durning the clearing?
Staff: Same procedure as last time Learner.
Learner: Do we get 20 days of refund this time too?
Staff: Same procedure as last time Learner.
How do you save a project.
Option 1.
Click the read more on this article. Create a comment.
"X Y Z" Please use space between the cords.
Option 2.
Ask a staff in the server.
Option 3.
Leave a comment on the report board.
To get to the report board; type: "/report"
Be aware that staff are allowed to deny requests. Things like replicated work, underground bases, small builds will usually be denied.
My piston house
Please can you save my house
there were three builders involved,
Autocats(me): I did most of the redstoning and design
Tcat2: helped design the walls
silenteagle: redstone torch keys and three by three door :)
I see that underground bases will be denied but this is more than just a base. this is me learning redstone. I learn how to build things and slowly add them to this build. just ecently I added the stairs and slimeblock exit (easy enough)
my one is the one with a building made out of quartz its connected to tcats via the potion brewing stations.
co-ords : 310.480 / 21 / 113.183
This creation looks more like a creative build than a redstone build. It will not be saved.
My in-progress ALU
I want my redstone ALU(which is in progress) to be saved. It is green wool, yellow wool, redstone, repeaters, and torches. It has a sign on it that says "This is bloobchube's". Please save it.
Coords are: -469 X, 64 Y, -469 Z.
Thanks and please save my work!
My large Adder
In visitors i made a large adder (without worldedit) i wish to save it because Visitors! (i put it here because of the leaner reset later this week) its cords are X: -50 Y: 21 Z: 179 To X: -119 Y: 26 Z: 194 Thank you for reading, Have fun ~Sploder12 (i made one in forums if you can delete that one it would be great)
Greifed! D:
Well i deserved it for building it in visitors, What greifed it is what surprised me, a gargantuan Dubstep sign. but they did place some blocks so, you can always find out who greifed it ;)
This topic is about the Learners area clear. Builds in Visitors will not be saved. If the build still exists in the area, you could request a move by a staffmember in-game.
Jetley's first ALU
It's my first ALU (!A/!B, +/-, Cin, FC, RS, Disable A/B)
I did it with help of: TheMagicDragon, Farex and ToeMoe5.
-272, 61, 309
Thanks! :D
my calculator
Hello. In learner i made a big calculator and if it's possible, please i want you save it. This is my first calculator and i was working durring many days with playever (a friend) to build it. it's coords are: -235 212 -216 and -324 224 -376.
Thanks for read this comment.
The colorful one :)
The colorful one :)
Save sth. for me!
Hey Flan/Staff, i need you to save something for me. It's simple Double Dabble machine, but a great version for teaching purpose!
Controll unit: -508 104 -347. I only need the Double Dabble part. I will redesign it later...
My ALU and Music
I have created a song and an ALU on the server that I would like to be backed up
ALU Coords: X: -529 Y: 187 Z: -294
Music Coords: X: -583 Y: 201 Z: -280
Thank you!
My ALU and Music
I have created a song and an ALU on the server that I would like to be backed up
ALU Coords: X: -529 Y: 187 Z: -294
Music Coords: X: -583 Y: 201 Z: -280
Thank you!
Oops, posted it twice
Oops, posted it twice