posted by joaofelipe2502
on Sat, 2016-03-19 21:46

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love redstone, and I got on this server thinking I would be the best, but then I realized, I am just a starter. I met Eccon, a staff, a really nice guy. but then I realized that I can't learn without a proper place to be. And that is not the visitors area. I want togo to learner, and maybe get a plot! I want to not fell like a starter when I see something.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Not to much, I know how things work, everything. but I know that I can really learn. I can give myself a 30/100, so not to much, I can understand everything I see. (every creation) I can sometimes fix or make it better. (i know I can't edit any build) The only thing I can say I need to do research at, are comparators. I know how to use them, but sometimes I just can't understand.
Past Redstone Experience:
I started to use redstone when I started to see a Brazilian youtube, 1st, I just copied him (sometimes in elevators, I did not even add more blocks to make it higher) but then I started to make them a but better, sometimes I just broke the whole thing or make it better. after that I started to see some of the videos, and build something HUGE with it.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am not good at creating compact things, but I am good at using them to make big (not compact) stuff. And I will not be the 1-5 hours at the server all the time only about 10min to 1hour.
Application status:
Thanks Guys!!!
I can't believe it! thank you so much! I was online when this happened, and I was crazy I got! thank you so much guys! it really means a lot!
Thanks Guys!!!
I can't believe it! thank you so much! I was online when this happened, and I was crazy I got! thank you so much guys! it really means a lot!
sorry for kind of spam...
sorry for kind of spam...
sorry for kind of spam