Application for __RedCrack__

DrCrack's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Since I started playing Minecraft, Im so interested in building redstone contraptions and I watched so many tutos on youtube. After i played with redstone for some time, i got bored at building redstone contraption bcuz I cant share my buildings to other peoples. Then I searched redstone server on youtube and I found this server! Im so happy and cant wait to join this redstone server! :D also i can learn many things about redstone in this server, im so happy about it!
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I can make 4x4 piston doors, triple piston extender, random number generator, auto brewing stand, I can even make a large railway station! The only thing that make me a little bit confused is the comparator(i still use it in my redstone contraptions). I combines many type of redstone thingy in my contraptions such as dropper, hopper, comparator, redstone, piston, redstone block, slime block and many more!
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made a large railway station, a big redstone house(which you can search it on youtube), many types of redstone doors(like cave door, 3x3 door and more), I built a slimeblock tnt launcher, single digit number displayer, Connect4 game, some cool minigames... I built so many redstone contraptions in the single player world! hope u will accept my application! (and sorry for my bad english)
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 


Pentolach's picture


By Pentolach