Application for Qualtagh

Qualtagh's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to improve my redstone skills so that I can build for myself in survival and for the enjoyment of others in creative. I'd also like to find better ways to use redstone, and I'd ideally like to understand the more complicated bits of it, as well as the names of the special circuits. In all, I want to be able to understand everything that is going on in a redstone tutorial video or never require them in the first place.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know some specific knowledge on certain things, but not enough to claim I know a lot. I can make flush doors and armour stand swappers for example, and I fully understand those, but I have trouble with understanding (not building) things like double piston extenders and things where the circuitry wasn't made by myself but copied off a video/tutorial. I know how to make OR, AND, NOR, NAND gates and whatnot (most logic gates), as well as a few t-flip-flops and very few monostable circuits (basic ones). In other words, I have a workable knowledge of redstone, but not enough to be fully unique or masterful (i.e. do things others haven't done or know how others do things just by hearing about the mechanism). Oh, I can also do BUD switches (made even easier with observers).
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have made flush 2x2 doors, secret entrances, traps and more - I think I mentioned making an armor stand swapper, too. Most of these involved logic gates or BUD switches, but I have also made things from tutorials, albeit I don't always understand the details behind it all. I've made TNT cannons and a few transportation devices of my own making, but none of them have been particularly fancy. Ah, I also made an item elevator.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
The first screenshot is my armour stand swapper. If it looks odd, that's because it has pistons that close it off and make it flush to the wall when it isn't being used. Closing it off makes it incapable of working, too, so that you don't accidentally send armour stands up when it is closed. The second screenshot is a spiral piston 3x3 door. It is easy to make and understand, all but one small portion on the bottom... which I don't get and had to copy directly from the tutorial I watched. All the rest is of my own making, though. I also made a button open the door, instead of a lever, using the t-flip-flop model I show in screenshot No.4. The third screenshot is an item elevator. Again, it was easy to make, but the bottom mechanic isn't fully understood by myself. The final screenshot is a T-flip-flop using an observer. It was really simple, so I bet someone else has already made something like that.
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I would like to make something that makes living in survival minecraft a breeze - where you can


Farex's picture

Have you ever actually joined our server? This application looks good, except I can't rank you, because there is no player data for you. If you can log on to the server, I can officially review your application.

By Farex
Qualtagh's picture

Hi there, Permalink. I did not; I thought to do this ahead of time, but now that I am infront of my computer, I will actually log in. Additionally, I missed a final part of my application. If I join, I want to make survival minecraft a breeze, and make every menial thing automated, and in as small a place as possible.

Now, I will go ahead and log in :)

By Qualtagh
Qualtagh's picture

Your name isn't permalink.... How daft of me...

By Qualtagh