Application for TrueBlue_Gaming

TrueBlue_Gaming's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am very interested in learning new redstone circuitry methods, as well as being able to practice and exercise my current knowledge in a comfortable, accepting environment. I love interacting with and tinkering with redstone, especially online in servers where others can see my creations. If I were to be accepted, I would be able to aid others with their circuits and creations, as well as offer fresh ideas to the server in terms of redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I would consider myself an intermediate redstone creator, as I am well beyond the beginner phase with knowledge greater than basic T-Flip Flops of Logic circuits, however I am by no means an expert redstoner, and still have much to learn. In my free time I love to hop onto a singleplayer redstone testing world just to tinker and tweak, in hopes of learning shortcuts or faster methods of redstone. I have been experimenting and toying around with redstone for around 4 years now, so I've gradually learnt the ropes and taught myself with continued practice.
Past Redstone Experience: 
One creation I pride myself with is a small, simple calculator I created in my singleplayer resdtone testing world, able to add and subtract. I used various Nor latches and other basic logic components, as the calculator was created when I was still relatively new to redstone. I have also created an old-fashioned piston elevator, old-fashioned because much more advanced elevators exist today such as those with horses climbing vertically or slimeblocks.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per week
Application status: 
Not approved
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I would love to build a simple drawing graphical component, able to be fed binary commands and output physical drawing on a large canvas or structure. I am also fascinated in bit-by-bit and expandable memory units, so I would love to incorporate those into a small simple data processing unit. I believe if I were to create these things on the Redstone Server, I could learn from others and use other people's knowledge of redstone circuits to my own advantage, rather than guess-checking in singleplayer.


You griefed several builds in the visitor area, that's why you are banned now.
In case of madness... It was your account. We log edits. And we also punish the accounts.
Ban appeals in the forums redstone topic. But I doubt there is an excuse for that heavy grief.

By Ecconia