posted by Semmelbrot
on Mon, 2017-07-10 19:57
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Ich möchte auf diesem Server gerne ein Mitglied werden, da ich meiner Meinung nach noch zu wenig Erfahrung mit Redstone habe. Vor allem im Umgang mit Computerähnlichen Systemen habe ich noch wenig gemacht. Deshalb würde ich mich darin gerne auf eurem Server weiterbilden
I`d like to become a Member on this server because i think I don`t have enough experience in redstone. Especially in Computer kind of things I don`t have much practical knowledge. Because of that I wan`t to learn more about that on your server
Current Redstone knowledge:
Vor allem im Umgang mit Pistontüren und sowas habe ich viel Erfahrung, da ich das immer wieder brauche. Zum Beispiel Pistontüren, 2x oder 3x Pistonextender sind kein Problem. Leider in letzter Zeit weniger weil ich immer weniger Minecraft spiele, habe aber vor das zu ändern :)
I have much experience with pistondoors and that things because i use that often. pistondoors, 2x or 3x Pistonextenders aren´t a problem. Lately less, wich is sad, but I wan`t to change that now: :)
Past Redstone Experience:
Leider verstehe ich die Frage nicht ganz. Also so was besonderes habe ich nie gebaut, außer eine sich selbst ausfahrende Mauer. Sonst größtenteils von Tutorials inspiriert. Logik war nicht vorhanden :D !Tut mir Leid, jetzt hab ich nur eine und eine halbe Zeile :/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unfortunately I don`t think I understand the questioon completely. I don´t have built something special. only an self building wall.
Apart from that the most is inspired by Yt Tutorials. And there was no logic. And now I have written too small. Sry for that. :/
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Ich bin deutsch, und da es gefragt wurde, ich beherrsche Java, auch wenn ich nicht weiß, was das hier bringt :D
Tut mir Leid dass ich mich sooft wiederhole.
I´m from Germany, thats why my Englisch is so bad, and i know Java.
Sry for all the repeats.
Application status:
Not approved
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
Computerähnliche Systeme, wie CPUs, kleinere Speicher oder Rechner.
Computer-like-systems, like CPUs, smaller storages and calculators
thats my application for the server, i think :D
Doesn't answer questions well
Your application doesn't answer the questions very well, and some are too short. Your application should meet the length shown here: Also, you can write in just German if you want, no need to include translations.
Some tips/notes if you create a new application:
The first box looks decent. You could add a bit more though, such as why you'd join a server instead of just using singleplayer.
The second box could include info such as what parts of redstone you understand, what parts you don't, but would like to learn, logic you know about, etc.
The third box could include info such as how/when you got into redstone, what machines you've built in the past and how they worked, etc.
Feel free to use any of these suggestions if you decide to create a new application.
~ Farex