posted by Jeremys556
on Sat, 2017-07-29 05:09
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Well I'm interested because alot of creative servers go: NO REDSTONE U MAKE REDSTONE U BAD! But this server is all about redstone! And i thought this system was stupid at first then i went to other redstone creative servers and realized this was the best and easiest one to get in! So now im making an app for this.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Well I know how to easily make redstone clocks (i think thats what their called) they are the machines that go on and off really quick, ive done many of these (if you dont know what they are other servers call them lag machines) I know how to make a ultimate death machine. (super over kill redstone tnt air base attacker + Arrow and Fireball defense mechanism) I made it on another world recently :P I can make things like a and gate. (cant think of much else right now)
Past Redstone Experience:
Well recently i made this cool tnt cannon that shot fireballs and arrows. This tnt cannon would explode in the air and rek air bases and it would shoot in front of it with fire balls and arrows. what i did is i used a button that activated tnt cannon then it would put a tnt in front of the spawned tnt at like last half second making it go SOOOO FRIKKING FAR!!!! then it would trigger the fire balls and arrows after it did that which would loop 1 or 2 times i believe.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
11-15 hours per day
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
Probably a mega super killing machine capable of destroying and killing anything. Or probably a redstone tnt cannon that shot far or something. Maybe expirement with block swapping or something. I havent thought about this one too much lol.
Woops! i meant to put a world file sorry admins