Application for FireZonKYGod

FireZonKYGod's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to learn more about redstonestuff. because i can use redstone but i'm not good at building compact circuits and piston extenders and i would like to learn that stuff.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i can use al the redstone blocks and tings. i know some basic circuits. i know al the things about how long redstone extends end how comperators work. i can use observers. and if slimeblock flyers count i can make them but it will take some time before i can get it to work. and i would like to learn how to make my cirquits compact.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have made a custom autominer, 5x5 cave door, 4x4 vault/normal/flush door, 3x3 vault/normal/flush/cave, 2x2 hipster/flush/vautl door, sorting systems and lately i have been trying to make my 5x5 cave door so u coudnt see the redstone
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
> 15 hours per week
Application status: 
Not approved
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
i would like to build compact piston doors, control panels, clock, slime block autominer that can break an pick up the blocks. and stuff i would find out along the way


Farex's picture

Your application doesn't meet the required length. Here's an example of how much you should type: I would suggest just copy-pasting this application to a new one, and adding more.

~ Farex

By Farex
FireZonKYGod's picture

i says 2 full lines and i have typed 2 full lines by everything.
so why did u say its to short.
and why is it not aproved for being to short anyway i mean thats just stupid.
id like u to reconsiter my aplication.
hope u dont do this again and say that its to short for no reason bye

By FireZonKYGod