8-Bit, 12 Function, compact ALU

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
capt_marin - Learner
Creation location: 
/warp capt_marin
Machine Features: 

This machine is An Arithmetic Logic Unit with twelve functions:
AND - enable AND output
OR - enable AND and XOR output
XOR - enable XOR output
NOT A or B - enable Negate B and XOR output
Increment - enable Carry In and SUM output
Decrement - enable Negate B and SUM output, input is A
Add - enable SUM output
Add+Carry - enable SUM output, carry flag is directed to Carry In
Subtract - enable SUM output, Negate B, and Carry In
Subtract-Carry - enable SUM output, Negate B, carry flag is directed to Carry In
Rotate Left - enable SUM output, input same number on both A and B
Rotate Right - enable Rotate Right output

These functions are rapidly introduced giving the machine an output level at 4 ticks or 1 second... very fast.
This build was created by exporting signals from a compact full adder with a few additional XOR AND logic units attached.

How To Use: 

TO USE: Simply put (In Binary) a numeric value into Input A and Input B. Next switch on the function by switching the specific function outputs listed above, the Binary output will be in shown by the Redstone Lamps

Request status: 
Not approved


oops the functions look a bit messy... Lemme fix them up so you can read them ---Functions---
AND - enable AND output
OR - enable AND and XOR output.
XOR - enable XOR output.
NOT A or B - enable Negate B and XOR output.
Increment - enable Carry In and SUM output.
Decrement - enable Negate B and SUM output, input is A.
Add - enable SUM output.
Add+Carry - enable SUM output, carry flag is directed to Carry In.
Subtract - enable SUM output, Negate B, and Carry In.
Subtract-Carry - enable SUM output, Negate B, carry flag is directed to Carry In.
Rotate Left - enable SUM output, input same number on both A and B.
Rotate Right - enable Rotate Right output.

By capt_marin