It's a tic tac toe with win detection, spamproof, turn and reset.
If you click a button it blocks all the other buttons in 1 tick. The buttons of the other player are blocked by the same system. If the player clicks a button the signal goes to a RS Nor Latch and after that is turned off it's also gonna power the other player's button so it cant be turned off anymore. Then the signal is powering a line that switch turns. Then its going in a RS Nor Latch again and then in the win detection.
It's very easy. All the buttons stands for the square at the big screen, so the middle button will power the middle square at the big screen.
You can see who's turn it is by the big lamp above the buttons. If you win the lamp at your side will be turned on and everything reset.
Sorry for my English grammer, Im Dutch,
Not Approved
This build is decent, but:
1. It needs to be compacted even more (you can refer to the TTT in /warp showcase to see how small I expect it to be)
2. it's easy to bypass spam protection
Good luck!
Thanks, but you said it has to be as good as the TTT at warp showcase, and that TTT also isnt 100% spamproof like mine. And I think it cant get better. But I will try to make in compacter.
Thanks, but you said it has to be as good as the TTT at warp showcase, and that TTT also isnt 100% spamproof like mine. And I think it cant get better. But I will try to make in compacter.