Application for ruben466

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to learn more about restone and to make cool restone contraptoin like really big piston doors and good automatic farm and i havent seen any other creative redstone servers only survival servers and i want to make redstone contraptions with other people that can help me
Current Redstone knowledge: 
probaly avarge at redstone made some redstone contraptoin but they are way to big and if i make a good farm they normally take a lot of recources and are laggy (maybe becuase im playing on a laptop) mainly make small restone stuff like 2 by 2 piston doors made some 3 by 3 piston doors (wich took ages) made some redstone farms like the easy ones
Past Redstone Experience: 
fail alot at making resdtone contraptoin becuase i try to make them in survival not really been intrested in making my own big redstone contraptoins normally follow youtube tutorial not like really big builds but like simpal builds like 0 tick farms in 1.15/1.14 thats it i think
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
sorry about the spelling mistakes i have dyslexia
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
effiecent redstone farms and cool looking piton doors


what im i supposed to comment?

By ruben466

why im am supposed to comment an what im i supposed to comment

By ruben466

why do i have to comments like 3 times??

By ruben466

do i seriously have to comment again?

By ruben466

How many times do i have to comments??????

By ruben466
woesh0007's picture

The "Add new comment" section is for when you would like to add a comment. Comments are not mandatory. Your application has been approved, welcome to the community :)

By woesh0007