ALU with letters in the alphebitical number system up to E. The highest sum is I. There are 3 functions, and, or, and xor. To use the logic gates, select wanted gate and then select A or B inputs. For the adder just select 2 numbers right next to each other that you want to add(numbers across the controls will NOT work together). Video explaining the "alphebetical number system" is in the following link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svbrkjkcbjI
For the adder flick the levers by the signs you want to add. Then, see the output. Close by are the outputs. For the logic operations flick the lver by the gate you want to use and then use a and b inputs. The output is close to the a and b inputs. That is pretty much it. For further info look in the Machine features text box. I would like to become learner+
Just noting
Learner+ is obtained via a timed trial, you could get Tinkerer or Regular though
I like the concept of your adder - but it is not very practical for actual usage.
You should really learn binary, as that is more practical. Decimal would also work - but is much more work.
Would be nice to see at least subtraction and the processing of two numbers.
My knowledge of binary
I know binary I just don't know how to make an adder with it.