Cobweb cpu

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
FastTurtle8 Learner
Creation location: 
220 50 -196
Machine Features: 

Adder, Subtractor, 4 functions with a and b inputs, control panel, and ram. The whole cpu is 17-bit!
Fun fact: The name comes from how many things you have to do to get an output and how it is slow sometimes!

How To Use: 

Add a and b inputs. The output is the answer.
Subtract b and a. Again The output is the answer.
Flick the levers of the ram you want to output. Then, flick the lever by the sign the says write. Last, Flick read to get the output.
Flick the levers to turn on the machines.
Flick the lever by the sign you want to use. Select A and B inputs and see the output.

Request status: 
Not approved


For a nice functional CPU the parts should be connected to each other and run a simple program :)

By Ecconia