You guessed it! its Tic tac toe. it has all of the basic features of tic tac toe including score, turn display, and little sounds to indicate turns and wins. it also is a touch screen display (no stinky button pad). the display for each X and O is a 3x3 lamp display lightly inspired by Ritzkids display. for win detection i had to build a second turn detection circut because i didnt think a head when making the display and i only made one bus to indicate when a squar is selected. i used alot of dropper style t-flip flops for turning the squar selection into a solid pusle for the wind detect circut. pistons are used to idenify the turn for the display modules as you will likley see.
1. press the reset button to make sure its ready for a new game.
2. X always goes first so decide who will be X.
3. when taking turns wait at least 2 seconds between turns to give the machine a chance to cycle. (i plan to add a anti spam circut in the near furtue.)
4. If a tie accours the tie lamp will turn on, reset and play again
5 have fun!
P.S. this is my greatest redstone build yet and all i ask for the to be premoted to the rank that seems fit, or at the very least L+.
Temporary Denied
Currently the building is not fully working.
I was able to cause a 'Tie', although there was one field still unset, and it was X's turn and X would have won.
Once fixed, reply to this comment (or message in #help channel in Discord).
sorry for the trouble, it was cause of a repeater i forgot to replace :/
it is fully working now!