Most of the features are listed on the signs on the left of the machine, including tick time (may not be precise). So, here I'll explain more how it works...
It features 9 small 3x5x7 cells that store the X,O state of the cell, and CANNOT show both at the same time. When clear is pressed, all of the flip flops are reset to state X. When the button is pressed, a 4-tick pulse is made, and that signal is spread to the 8 other flip flops (that have not been pressed by the button), changing their state, without activating the display.
The spam proof mechanism works by checking if the pulse of the line connecting all the cells is more than 4 ticks long, as this suggests that the machine was spammed, with 2 overlapping 4-tick pulses. The other part of the spam protect mechanism is if the time between the two pulses is too short for the cell to settle. When either one of these mechanisms is activated, it sends a line to CLEAR, which clears the game. This means that if you spam it, the spam protect mechanism will clear your game. You have to wait till the lime 2x2 lamp turns on for you to play your turn. If you spam it so hard you win, the WD mechanism is lock if the machine was spammed. You can only reset the WD spam lock by pressing the reset noteblock. The reset noteblock IS spam proof as well. :D
Win detection is done by having 2 outputs for each cell, either X, O, or off. (only 1 output per line possible, when both lines are off, the cell output is off.) When the button is pressed on a cell, the output settles to X or O. By having 2 lines next to each other, I used pistons to switch between reading X or O. This is based off of turns, and this means that we can tell who's turn it was when they won. The output of these readings is sent to the actual WD system, which is pretty boring, and it sends that output to the win line, which triggers a clock (only once!) to play the win sound and turn on the win lamp. There is a toggle for which lamp turns on which is tied to the previous turn.
The Color coding key is on the right of the tic tac toe board, which allows you to see the different parts and where the attach. ALL of the redstone is behind the display, and nothing jutts out. (The heads are an extra block up, if you remove them (and the gold blocks), all the redstone is still behind the display.) The whole thing is 27 blocks back.
Press the buttons on the display, wait for the lime lamp on the bottom left to flash for you to make your next move. When you press a button, and the display for that turns on, the next one you press with be alternate from that one. (Press1: X P2: O P3: X ...etc) When there is a 3 in a row detected by the WD, which is quite slow, it will send a clocked pulse to the lamps, and the note blocks. (There is a lever to toggle sound or not) The WD cannot be triggered twice, meaning if you have a win for X and another for O (or x), it will not trigger the WD again.
Wrong rank
ComplexSymbol is actually rank Tinkerer
Amazing! :D
Amazing! :D
Noteblock reset was NOT spam proof. [fixed]
Also made it so if WD was triggered, and then a move was played after WD, clear game.