Application for LilCaillou

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
So a couple years ago I used to play a bunch of cannon building on oneshotmc. But my interests have changed and I would love to learn more about redstone in general. I believe the server can offer me a good platform for me to explore this on. I only play about 2 server one of which is a survival world so i'll be pretty active too :)
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know a lot about 1.8 cannon mechanics, but my knowledge kind of ends there. I know stuff like gametick using tnt and sand, and OoE to break waterd walls within gameticks. I know a lot about alignment too. Besides this, and a basic knowledge of all components and clocks, not much. Stuff like observers and target blocks are still foreign to me which I want to improve on.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Yes, the cannoning stuff I made usage of: 'Lefty/righty', it's what the cannoners used to call it, its when you fire offset aligned tnt into a block (this only worked east and west I believe), so that the tnt's velocity is transferd to the x or z. OoE for oneshotting multiple (watered) walls using sand stacking, tnt, a big sand comp and a bunch of painfull timings. Types of cannons I can make: if its 1.8 just about anything? its all maths so with enough time anything goes. Stuff I like to make: (player/tnt/arrow) launchers cool piston doors :))
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I guess when I play a server I always like to help more than make own projects xd I am neuro divergent and creative (as in a like to make music and such), dunno its thats usefull tho :)
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
Thb my stuff isn't usually large scale, I love using tnt and velocity, and just want to mess around with firing tnt and arrow ect..;


Nice application, I would approve it, but it seems that account "LilCaillou" never joined our server.

Simply join once and the application can be approved :)

By Ecconia

Oh yeah my bad, I joined it

Thanks for your time!

By Caillou