posted by Allex253
on Thu, 2024-03-21 12:52
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I wanna learn some redstone and as far as i know this is a pretty active server. When i've actually learned some redstone things i would be happy to teach people some redstone or just, make redstone things. I've been told that also redstone youtubers play on this server and i would be happy to see some things. Also will i be able toi see a lot of builds that already are created.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know the basics of how components work:
-piston / sticky piston: limit to push or pull is 12, slime and honey blocks that make other blocks go aswell
-i know how the power thingies work with how strong a redstone signal is.
- how other componets basically work
what i wanna learn:
-how 3x3 and bigger doors work
-big flying machines
Past Redstone Experience:
So i've made a hidden base entrance where u drop a block on a place where a hopper minecart catches it(u can drop it somewhere and u wont see the minecart cuz hitbox), a comparator makes a redstone signal and with some repeaters and a redstone torch sicky pistons retract and open an entrance.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
> 15 hours per week
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
mosly piston/movement things, i dont really like things like calculators and that part of redstone
what i want to create
I forgot to say this but: i also like to make escpaeroom/puzzles with redstone.
Which would be nice to have on the server because people can play it