Application for NoMouseGang

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm really excited about joining this server because I'm a huge fan of playing Minecraft, especially when it comes to redstone engineering. This server looks like the perfect place for me to connect with other players who share my passion for redstone. By joining, I'll have the chance to work on fun projects with other redstoners. What I can offer the server is my creativity and my willingness to collaborate with others. I love coming up with new redstone contraptions and I'm always eager to share my ideas with fellow players. Whether it's helping out with someone's build or brainstorming new inventions, I'm ready to dive in and contribute to the community. This server offers me entire dedication to redstone engineering. Unlike other servers that have topics like, factions, pvp and more which im still a fan of, this one focuses specifically on redstone, which means I'll have access to opportunities to learn and grow as a redstone engineer. being part of a community of redstoners means I'll have the chance to connect with others who share my passion and learn and teach others redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know all about redstone gates, I have a 6/10 ability of building redstone doors and Flying machines. I dont know much computational redstone which i hope to learn. With computational redstone all I know is Encoders, Decoders, Binary, Displays, redstone logic gates, flip flops, pulses, sticky piston spitting and a few others. I dont have any concerns.
Past Redstone Experience: 
my best redstone creations would be, a binary calculator, which works using logic gates and binary. A 30 x 30 sand door which constantly pushes sand up from under it and above it. finally a super fast hidden item piston contraption which uses a double piston extender to push the hidden block out then back in and another piston turns on which hides it.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 
Not approved
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
i want to create a flying machine that hopefully goes at least 8 m/s and a working mini game on a display screen. and i want to learn how to create a door of any size without using sand.


i wonder why he is not approved...

By GearFixJ