This machine is An Arithmetic Logic Unit with twelve functions:
AND - enable AND output
OR - enable AND and XOR output
XOR - enable XOR output
NOT A or B - enable Negate B and XOR output
Increment - enable Carry In and SUM output
Decrement - enable Negate B and SUM output, input is A
Add - enable SUM output
Add+Carry - enable SUM output, carry flag is directed to Carry In
Subtract - enable SUM output, Negate B, and Carry In
Subtract-Carry - enable SUM output, Negate B, carry flag is directed to Carry In
Rotate Left - enable SUM output, input same number on both A and B
Rotate Right - enable Rotate Right output
These functions are rapidly introduced giving the machine an output level at 4 ticks or 1 second... very fast.
This build was created by exporting signals from a compact full adder with a few additional XOR AND logic units attached.
TO USE: Simply put (In Binary) a numeric value into Input A and Input B. Next switch on the function by switching the specific function outputs listed above, the Binary output will be in shown by the Redstone Lamps
oops the functions look a bit messy... Lemme fix them up so you can read them ---Functions---
AND - enable AND output
OR - enable AND and XOR output.
XOR - enable XOR output.
NOT A or B - enable Negate B and XOR output.
Increment - enable Carry In and SUM output.
Decrement - enable Negate B and SUM output, input is A.
Add - enable SUM output.
Add+Carry - enable SUM output, carry flag is directed to Carry In.
Subtract - enable SUM output, Negate B, and Carry In.
Subtract-Carry - enable SUM output, Negate B, carry flag is directed to Carry In.
Rotate Left - enable SUM output, input same number on both A and B.
Rotate Right - enable Rotate Right output.