Redstone/Minecart Lag

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Redstone/Minecart Lag

In joined this server for the main reason of working on a redstone creation with the help of an experienced redstone community (this is not the only reason). This creation requires precise timing for the motion of minecarts. I joined several weeks ago to find that when I completed my invention, the minecarts exhibited very laggy behaviour, not moving smoothly. I quadruple-checked the timing, it was correct.

I have mentioned this to some mods on the server already.

All I am asking is if there is anything planned to fix this or anything that CAN be done about it.

goodby39's picture
Not the server

I'm assuming that you don't play multiplay ery often, because this a problem with multiplayer in general. ALL servers have this lag, but when it comes to game ticks and exact timing with circuits, it is purely visual lag, so all redstone is still very accurate. Hope this helped


im i able to build now

goodby39's picture
It's Application

Please put more effort into your app. I'm sure you can easily make it if you just add a couple sentences to each question. :P
Good luck!$