Your opinion?

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Your opinion?

What happened: I was afk on the server for a very long time, and was kicked for being afk too long by neo. My modded client had a feature to it that auto-joins a server if the player lags out/gets kicked. Basically, this cause neo some strong frustration b/c no1 could get me off the server, so he went on to deranking me, the temp-banningme, which caused the server lag b/c my client was constantly trying to log in" after that, i got deranked further to griefer(by afking).

1.) I was at my birthday party all day, so i didn't know any of this was happening.
2.) Duba said to me that i can specifically use the nodus client.
3.) I never had the slightest intention of hurting the server, and i was unaware of the feature within the client
4.) None of this would be a problem if you guys would have left me there, afk.
5.) Put youself into my shoes for a bit.

Was this fair? I ask that no admins respond to this topic, as i'm already deranked either way