How is Latin or Morse Spam? I mean I can sort of see Morse, but Latin!? Latin is a Language like German, Dutch, Swedish, or others, And how is it Spamming if I used it for 1 MC Chat Entry? Is that spam or are some people just looking for an Outlet to distribute Intollerence to others.
Forte Latine potest creare mysterium? Videtur leviter magis arcanum quam anglicus, debita gerentes sicut Zombie.
(P.S. Sadly, when Latin was spoken, they had no idea what a zombie is. Because of that, the last word in my soon-to-be famous quote is slightly obvious).
Well from my point of view. I think that you should cominicate with people on the easiest way. If your both from the same place, it is easier to speak the Local language. Though, speaking a language only you know, is called spamming. I prefeer to speak Norwegian but I am only speaking it to people that understand it. Else I am speaking English.
To build what I can to do what I can do to show that I am able to do what I can do.... but everyone looks down on me...
How is Latin or Morse Spam? I mean I can sort of see Morse, but Latin!? Latin is a Language like German, Dutch, Swedish, or others, And how is it Spamming if I used it for 1 MC Chat Entry? Is that spam or are some people just looking for an Outlet to distribute Intollerence to others.
Forte Latine potest creare mysterium? Videtur leviter magis arcanum quam anglicus, debita gerentes sicut Zombie.
(P.S. Sadly, when Latin was spoken, they had no idea what a zombie is. Because of that, the last word in my soon-to-be famous quote is slightly obvious).
Well from my point of view. I think that you should cominicate with people on the easiest way. If your both from the same place, it is easier to speak the Local language. Though, speaking a language only you know, is called spamming. I prefeer to speak Norwegian but I am only speaking it to people that understand it. Else I am speaking English.
Your Beloving Norwegian:
I have no idea why I said cominicate :P
I prefer 0100100111010101001010010010010100010111111010001101101111011010010101
Actually I can read and transmit morse code:) Its not the easyest way, but its fun:)
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