Ban appeal

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Ban appeal

So i was playing on the redstone server, looking for a spot to put my new slot machine(it's awesome) and i see someone working on his(or her) redstone thing. The little troll in me wanted to pop off the levers, so i did, and then a mod(onlybob) told me to put them back on, so i did. after that the person started freaking out even tho that everything was back the way it started, i got put on probatio(lol) and then i started asking why i was put on probatio(lol). After that people on the server were insulting me saying that some random people were acting older than me, that my head was crooked and some other stuff like that. So i was fed up that they were insulting me and that the mod was not doing anything about it not even a warning. So i told the guy that was insulting me a lot and was just overall annoying to shush up and then i got banned for i think a month. A MONTH for a thing that was not ever that big in the beginning. I find that unfair. Feel free to comment about this and support form the community is very appreciated.

Flandyn's picture
One sided.

This text is written very one sided. You basically minimize what you did, and maximize what everyone else did. "The little troll in me wanted to pop off the levers" and "People on the server were insulting me". I would be delighted if you could write abit more humble text: "I didn't think twice, and I do regret that I grief another persons creation. When I got the warning, I should have been quite, and let the warning pass out." Because when I look at this text, I think: "This person hasn't learned anything, basically I'm sure that he would do it again. He shows no regret, he blaims it on other people, instead of beeing humble and taking the responsibility like a mature person."

You shouldn't flame others, or touch their creation at all. If something bothers you, ask/pm a moderator or admin. Atleast I believe that a punishment from a staff, is way better then insulting someone back. And if that moderator/admin doesn't answer you, pm another one on the website. And be patience. We're trying to develop a faster system. But as long as we get mails from concering users is rarely, why would we check E-mail folder often?

Anyways, I hope that you took the time to read, consider and agree with the text, I will choose to unban you. But please, try not to be so one sided, and blame others. It's ok to make mistakes, but you can avoid it by beeing humble.


I completely understand your point of view, I also completely agree. I made a mistake, and I was so frustrated with the little things that did not really matter, like getting a warning, and, by arguing on the subject, i got myself in some more trouble (1 Mnth ban).
I understand your point and will make an effort to try and stay clam if it ever happens again... :)


Um, i checked the server today, and i am stuck in the spawn area, the buttons don't work and i can't type in chat or use commands, the only way to communicate is by using /me, witch, for some odd reason works for me. I don't know if this was intentional or an accident. Please let me know what is going on. -Nicholasbrad

onlybob's picture
Umm, here is that mod's side...

Nicholas, we talked about this. I put you on probation because you bacame a pest to the other player you trolled. He told you to stop and you didn't do so. So I put you on probation (now griefer prefix). But then you were spamming chat and were insulting others and I told you to fix your attitude. Then I muted you for a while after a warning. I told you then to fix your attitude. I unmuted you and there you went again, spamming with the bad attitude. I warned you that if you dont stop your attitude, you would be banned. But yet you continued to insult. So I banned you. I am sorry I forgot that all bans are perm. Your rank is griefer which does not allow buttons /levers to be pressed let alone building anywhere. I don't knwo why you are muted though, I will attempt to fix that.