Plot move

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Plot move

Right, so I was pretty happy with my old plot, then mesolost moved it. S/he didn't bring the entire plot so everything with any underground wiring got lost. I don't care about that because it was all crappy outdated redstone HOWEVER. S/he moved my plot into the centre of 8 computer redstoners with ridiculously huge computers which make my plot lag like hell and it's unbearable. Can somebody PLEASE shift my WHOLE plot (as I've put some underground wiring down) somewhere clean and lagless? It would be much appreciated :)

**edit** I think I destroyed the wiring by removing dirt, ignore that part :)

woesh0007's picture
Hello there,

Hello there,
If you message me the X and Z coordinates of a place which you'd like to have your plot moved to, I will move it. I hope this will solve your trouble :)



Old plot: around 1127, 463

New plot: Please put me at 1420, 21

That's miles away from most plots so I won't disturb with my huge pixelart. Please make sure you get everything :P

woesh0007's picture
Plot moved.

I've moved your plot to a new location. The location you gave me was on my own plot, so I moved it elsewhere.
Use "/plot tp plot-sftx_callum" to get there.

Hope this helped :)
