Way to export project to local world

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corndog2000's picture
Way to export project to local world

I was wondering if there was a way to export one of my projects that I'm currently working on to a Minecraft save file that I could load on my computer as a Minecraft world. If so that would save me the trouble of a bad and lag filled internet connection to the server.

MeSoLost's picture
Yes, it can be done.

Please post the location of your creation and if possible use a distinctive block (gold, diamond, some block NOT used in your build) to mark the opposing corners of your project and we can export a schematic. You can then import this schematic into any of your existing worlds via single player world edit (included in the voxel mod pack currently 1.7.9). If you want it as it's own separate world file you'll have to have the creation saved and inform me so I can take the schematic and paste it into a flatworld for you to download (this will take a few days as I'm still settling at this time) although I highly recommend getting single player command or voxel mod pack as the features it provides are very handy to have while you troll away while offline. =p

corndog2000's picture
Hi MeSo.

Hi MeSo.

I currently use the voxel mod pack on the server and I am familiar with World Edit. Thank you for telling me how to do it.

woesh0007's picture
Hello there,

Hello there,

If you save the creation (//schematic save or //save) and give me your email, I can send it through an in-game experimental command :p


corndog2000's picture
Experimental Command Status

I did the command and saved the schematic as "mastermind" (without the quotes). How can I give you my email address?

woesh0007's picture
Feel free to send it to me in

Feel free to send it to me in a personal message (Click my name).


MeSoLost's picture
oh yeah

do that =p be our ginnie pig =D they survive most of the time XD

corndog2000's picture


corndog2000's picture
I sent it to you with PM

I sent it to you with PM