Hi everyone,
I'm making a let's play series of the newest Super Hostile map (Waking Up) so you're welcome to check it out if you're curious. Here's the latest episode to give you a quick taste of what the series is all about:
Warning: the language might get strong at times. Please do not proceed if you're easily offended by the f** word. :]
If you'd like to support my series and you have a Minecraft Forums account, please post your comments here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1468309-super-hostile-stym-plays-wak...
The playlist with all the episodes can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdnYCUn9T6PkMhDsBuRtO9J2zaSwh0xA0...
Youtube channel link: http://www.youtube.com/user/MCStym
Thanks for watching and I hope you will find the series entertaining!
Stym is back!
Finaly Stym is back! We are all very happy that you've returned.
Your Beloving Norwegian:
Sure am
I sure am. :P I'm going to have a lot of work in the next few days, but I'll also do my best to spend more time with you guys.
how was ur trip?
how was ur trip?
It was good, thank you. I
It was good, thank you. I almost stayed there for a permanent residence. :P