This is a 4 bit input 6 bit output calculator that can add, substract, multi and divide by 2.
It has got a number input 1 - 15, and output 0 - 63. It's not extremely fast, but not extremely slow too.
I will divide the machine to three parts to make everything easier to explain.
Part 1. - Input
In this part there's a 4 bit encoder that converts decimal to binary(the number input). There's also a bunch of blue wires that steer everything like: operations, steps in the calculating etc. After being converted into binary, input numbers go into the memory.
Part 2. - The calculating part
Here numbers go into 2 wide RCAs (made by me). In the add/sub part they are just calculated and go to the output.
But in the multi/div part these numbers are added, then they are calculated with the bit shifting method.
Part 3. - Output
The 6 bit output goes to a big(and slow : / ) decoder. Then the decoder gives a signal to the display and it shows the number.
Just saying, the decoder and the display are HUGE.
Using it isn't very simple.
First you need to press the 'Reset the entire machine button'(to make sure the machine is cleared).
Then press the 'Turn the machine on' button. A lamp saying '1. Choose an operation' should turn on.
Choose an operation by pressing one of these buttons: Add, Substract A - B, Multiply by 2 or Divide by 2.
Then a lamp saying 'Input A' will turn on. Press one of numbers on the numpad (these 1 - 15).
After that a lamp saying 'Input B' will turn on. Choose the number B(on the same numpad, there's only one) and look at the screen;
the output should be there.
Why you can't zoom the image? omg..
Here's the link to the img: http://scr.hu/35b8/1vad2
Can't zoom
You can't zoom in because this is a basic image uploading system to have a staff member know in general what your project looks like. Have a good day!
- Bob
Reason: not advanced enough. The Adder Subtractor are ripple carry adder, these should be 2-wide stackable. 4-bit calculator for Regular should be able to multiplicate two numbers, shifting them (*2) is not enough.