4 bit add/sub/mul/div calculator

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
oskarnik [Learner]
Creation location: 
611 85 -240 xyz
Machine Features: 

This is a 4 bit input 6 bit output calculator that can add, substract, multi and divide by 2.
It has got a number input 1 - 15, and output 0 - 63. It's not extremely fast, but not extremely slow too.
I will divide the machine to three parts to make everything easier to explain.
Part 1. - Input
In this part there's a 4 bit encoder that converts decimal to binary(the number input). There's also a bunch of blue wires that steer everything like: operations, steps in the calculating etc. After being converted into binary, input numbers go into the memory.
Part 2. - The calculating part
Here numbers go into 2 wide RCAs (made by me). In the add/sub part they are just calculated and go to the output.
But in the multi/div part these numbers are added, then they are calculated with the bit shifting method.
Part 3. - Output
The 6 bit output goes to a big(and slow : / ) decoder. Then the decoder gives a signal to the display and it shows the number.
Just saying, the decoder and the display are HUGE.

How To Use: 

Using it isn't very simple.
First you need to press the 'Reset the entire machine button'(to make sure the machine is cleared).
Then press the 'Turn the machine on' button. A lamp saying '1. Choose an operation' should turn on.
Choose an operation by pressing one of these buttons: Add, Substract A - B, Multiply by 2 or Divide by 2.
Then a lamp saying 'Input A' will turn on. Press one of numbers on the numpad (these 1 - 15).
After that a lamp saying 'Input B' will turn on. Choose the number B(on the same numpad, there's only one) and look at the screen;
the output should be there.

Request status: 
Not approved


Why you can't zoom the image? omg..

By oskarnik

Here's the link to the img: http://scr.hu/35b8/1vad2

By oskarnik
onlybob's picture

You can't zoom in because this is a basic image uploading system to have a staff member know in general what your project looks like. Have a good day!

- Bob

By onlybob

Reason: not advanced enough. The Adder Subtractor are ripple carry adder, these should be 2-wide stackable. 4-bit calculator for Regular should be able to multiplicate two numbers, shifting them (*2) is not enough.

By Ecconia