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Creation name | Author | In-game name | Post date | Request status |
4-bit calculator with base 10 IO that can do +,-,* | IYatoo_ | iYatoo_ | Thu, 2023-04-06 22:46 | Approved |
Rock paper scissors | FastTurtle8 | FastTurtle8 | Sat, 2023-04-01 15:57 | Not approved |
Settable Sequential Combination Lock | freddygood | PiggoPanti3s | Sat, 2023-03-25 22:23 | Approved |
ComplexSymbol's Tic Tac Toe | ComplexSymbol | ComplexSymbol | Wed, 2023-03-22 02:21 | Approved |
Crappy TTT Vr.1 | freddygood | JGecko | Thu, 2023-03-16 03:54 | Approved |
Tic Tac Toe V1 | WhatsTaters6214 | WhatsTaters6214 | Sun, 2023-03-12 21:07 | Approved |
Tic Tac Toe | sunngamer1210 | sunngamer1210 | Sat, 2023-03-11 20:09 | Approved |
3x3 Seamless flush glass trapdoor | dYOUnce | dYOUnce | Sun, 2023-02-26 01:09 | Approved |
Cobweb cpu | FastTurtle8 | FastTurtle8 | Sun, 2023-02-19 23:11 | Not approved |
Gold ALU(uses the alphebetical number system!) | FastTurtle8 | FastTurtle8 | Sat, 2023-02-18 00:38 | Not approved |