1.8 released!


Okay, the Adventure update is finally released. But you know what? You still need 1.7.3 to play on our server (as usual).
If you want to be able to switch between multiple versions of Minecraft, there is an awesome tool available at digiex.net that can do that.

Posted By stym read more

Up and running again


We're back up, and we have some nice plugin updates.
First of all, the homes and warps are now handled by MyHome and MyWarp respectively. This gives you the ability to invite friends to your homes or even make homes public. Additionally, you can create up to 3 personal warps now, and invite others to use them. If your warp leads to an object of significance, you can ask a mod to make that warp public so everyone can use it. Important: please be sure to set your home by issuing /home set as the previous homes no longer work.
The free signs at RS world spawn are now nicely grouped into kits.
Lastly, be sure to use the /btb command to get 'back to body' upon death from now on.

Posted By stym read more



The server is currently down due to issues with the cloud hosting provider. The data has not been lost (worst case is several hours of rollback).
No ETA yet on when things will return to normal.

UPDATE: the issues are due to a mistake in our provider's billing. Simply put, they've charged us too much and suspended our account. They've already confirmed that they were wrong, so the server will be up once this issue has been resolved. Most likely, in 15 hours.

UPDATE 2: the server will be up at 12 PM GMT tomorrow (see comments for more info).

Posted By stym read more

Login failures


In the last couple of hours the server logs were flooded with the following messages:
Failed to verify username! [internal error java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out]

These errors are caused by minecraft.net not being available to serve the authentication request. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about this but wait, so if you're getting such messages when trying to log on please have patience and do try again later.

Posted By stym read more

Server status update


Day 1 of updates has completed. Today was a day of security and permissions updates. Not a lot of new features were rolled out, but there are some notable highlights.
- Application approvals will be faster from now on;
- A new world will be launched tonight! For those of you who got tired of plain old SMP.

IMPORTANT: the next wave of updates will roll out on Friday. These updates will erase your homes and warps! So you absolutely need to make sure you take a note of your home coordinates and also any warps you use frequently (a mod will be able to recreate those for you later).

Posted By stym read more

Scheduled downtime tomorrow


Expect some downtime tomorrow (10AM - 12AM GMT) due to CraftBukkit and plugins being updated.
No approvals until the update is done, sorry!

Posted By stym read more

New feature: structures list


We've got a shiny new addition to our website: a catalog of server buildings/structures. This features various places of interest for both our guests and existing members. Check it out here!

This list is user-contributed, which means that if you're a registered member, you can add your own structures, and once approved by the moderator, they will appear in the list. The best structures might even make it to the front page. To add a structure, go to "Add content > Structure" and fill out the form that will pop up. Don't forget to upload some fancy eye-catching screenshots!

Posted By stym read more

Redstone Realm map & updates


Our new spawn building in RS Realm is ready to go. Thanks cole21771 and MarshMellowMIA for their great work on this!

Also, we got rid of the glass dome that was covering the area, and the first render of RS Realm with all its amazing circuits and contraptions is now available. Check it out here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4821368/rs_world_map.png

Posted By stym read more

New server address


The new server address is alpha.redstone-server.info (the old address will redirect to it, but it will be shut off some time, so be sure to use the new one).
There were no drastic changes yet, so everything should be in its places. Your feedback is welcome, as usual!

Posted By stym read more

Status update


The old server is up. The migration will take place in 12 hours.

This means that in 12 hours (8 AM UTC) the old server will be taken down and both servers will remain offline until the migration is complete. This is quite a major move for us and we can't give any ETA's, so it's done when it's done. Application approvals will resume after the new server is up and running.

Stay tuned!

Posted By stym read more


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