The New Creative Map is Open


That's right, after a long wait, we have finally opened our new Creative map. The bad news is we are deleting the old creative map as soon as possible and we ask that you immediately contact a moderator or administrator to transfer your creation; creations will only be moved if they meet expectations (not a dirt house). In the new Creative map, no large-scale Redstone creations will be allowed (the Redstone world is for that). The warp for the world is /warp Creative World. I look forward to seeing you there!

If you would like a copy of the map, please contact any administrator. Thank you for building all your wonderful creations there.

Posted By dubastot read more

SMP server mini-contest


Today, we launch a secret shop on the SMP server which will have various blocks and items not normally available in-game. The first player to find the shop will receive a reward of 1000 cubits.
Here's some hints:

  • The shop is within 1500 block radius from spawn
  • But not too close to spawn
  • Majorly underground
  • You'll know it when you find it
  • Wherever I put it

There will be an unlocked chest inside of the shop. Grab the contents as proof that you were there first!
If you still don't have access to the SMP server, just send me a PM.

Good luck!

UPD: The contest is over. The winner is Emilgardis!

Posted By stym read more

Herobrine has made his mark!


Unfortunately, we have been attacked by the all feared Herobrine and he continues to wreak havoc on the server as Stym and I desperately try to find the fix for this. He has brought the server down and possessed GlaDOS, Stym reports he has been seeing strange things in real life and is beginning to worry. I urge you to stay calm and let us solve this, please be patient and wish us luck!

EDIT: Stym has wrangled the beast of Herobrine back into its dark dungeon deep in the Nether. He has calmed the spirits and the server is once again, back to normal.

Posted By dubastot read more

1.2.4 is out


1.2.4 is out and it will not allow you to connect to our servers if you update. The Bukkit team promises everyone a quick update, so our hope is that the server will catch up within a couple of days.
In the meantime please use the 1.2.3 jars, and if you have already updated there's a thread in the forums with previous versions downloadable.


Posted By stym read more

Servers downtime tomorrow


I've got some good news and bad news. The bad news - expect a few hours of downtime tomorrow:

  • 10AM GMT - 11AM GMT - both servers will be down for hardware maintenance.
  • 11AM GMT - 1PM GMT - creative server will be down for the 1.2.3 update. SMP server will be up.

The good news is - well, everyone wants the 1.2.3 update, right?

UPD: SURPRISE! Running 1.2.3 already, sooner than promised.
UPD2: Had issues during the hardware maintenance. Currently reinstalling OS, NO DATA WILL BE LOST but it will take some time. Sorry guys.
UPD3: Both servers will be back online at 12PM GMT.
UPD4: The creative server is back online.
UPD5: Everything is up and running.

Posted By stym read more

FAQ on the SMP server


This article will be updated as new questions arrive. Click the "read more" link to view the rest of the post.

Q: What map is the server running?
A: The server is running a fresh unaltered 1.2 map. As of the moment of writing, there are almost no structures but we are really hoping to change this over the next week.

Q: Server specs/features?
A: Running the second beta build of Bukkit for 1.2.3. SMP + Economy. Ability to create your own shops and sell stuff. Possibly, Towny later. Dynmap:

Q: So what exactly does "early access" mean?
A: First of all, you must understand that we're running a beta build of Bukkit so there might be bugs. I also need time to polish out the economy and plugins (even /help is not working yet :P). Last but not least, if you find any stuff that can be exploited and provide advantage over others, you need to report this to me.

Q: Any building restrictions?
A: Yes, some. Have a look at the Dynmap and note the flat island in the center - that's where the spawn will be. Please do not build there. Other than that, just use common sense and ask when in doubt.

Q: When will the server go public?
A: Whenever I feel it's ready, AND the recommended Bukkit build is out.

Q: Will the map be reset when the server goes public?
A: No.

Posted By stym read more

Updates on updates


Hey everyone.

First, I'd like to apologize to all of you for being quiet for the last week. I know many of you have been wondering, what's going on with the 1.2 update for the server? Well, read on to find out.
Here's our plan for the next few days:

  1. We're doubling the RAM on the server! These two little babies sitting on my desk will do the trick:

    There will be a couple of hours of downtime tomorrow (and hopefully I won't fry anything while cleaning the dust), after which we should be up and running with a whopping 8 GB on board.
  2. 1.2.3 for the beta server? Yes, it's coming after we take care of the hardware. Expect it on Wednesday.
  3. 1.2.3 for the SMP server? Yes, and it's already here! Send me a PM to get early access.

More info follows, and for timely updates on any of these items be sure to follow our Twitter account. Stay tuned, everyone.


Posted By stym read more

Minecraft 1.2 is out!


I know this is incredibly exciting with all of Jeb's amazing new additions, but once again, we must wait for Bukkit to come out and for Plugins to be updated. If you do want to update, navigate to your Minecraft folder and make a copy of your Minecraft 1.1 jar. Thank you for your understanding!

Posted By dubastot read more

Being Accepted...


Hey everyone!

I just wanted to give you guys some advice on how to write an application which will get you accepted on this server. First of all, I love proper spelling and grammar, so definitely watch out for that. Secondly, you need to write a minimum of 3 sentences for EACH question. Lastly, you need to show we can trust you and that you are constructive rather then destructive.

Here is the best application we have ever received and strongly suggest you strive to achieve something this magnificent.


Greetings, I am very much interested in a community that is actual redstone based, rather than just sit on my own SMP server (which I still host today, and will keep hosting to sometimes play with real life friends) while I'm the only one who knows how to use redstone, and actually play with it. I think it's a nice chance to improve my knowledge about Redstone abit too, and I could help others solve their problems, but more importantly, learn from others. Right now I've got moderate to simple redstone constructions out. while a few of my first constructions can be found on youtube. And more can be found if asked for on my own server, playing with redstone is basically the most I do with minecraft.

I currently enjoy my IT Management class, and building up my future. I have a girlfriend whom I adore and spent alot of time with. It's not an interest, but I currently do internship to learn more about IT management and server control, and preparing my MCTS Microsoft windows server 2008 exams. I also tend to enjoy playing games, and going out with friends on the saturday evening.

My first works: My latest work: This is a building which has an entrance hidden by a waterfall, and requires 2 obelisks to be powered by redstone torches in order for the doorway to open up with a large F in front: it also uncovers a stairway instead of stone bricks, being replaced by pistons pushing from the sides. Also, when going inside, you'll quickly notice a button near the exit, this button allows you to retract the obelisk torch placeholders so you can remove the torches without going outside and thus, closing the door again allowing the waterfall to flow back. Once inside and the door is closed, it doesn't mean you are stuck in there, simply wait a moment until you hear a "click" which means the lock is removed and the delay is ready to be inserted to override the obelisk's door opening system. by pressuing the button, a piston is pushing a block near the obelisks allowing charged delay's for about 40 seconds long to be injected into the same input that the obelisks give, once that delay is done, it runs back to another piston that pushes the block back to it's original position so it can't inject power anymore to the obelisk injection: The door system itself is pretty simple, first the waterfall closes or opens, on closing, the logo and door system waits for about 14 seconds in delay before opening, and pushes a piston forward for direct closing *leading power around delays* and retracting another one for un-necessary wanted opening. While it's closing, there's a piston making sure that during that time, the door cannot be opened again for sometime for no water splashing everywhere, basically, this system cannot mess up. There's security and fail-safe to it.

I hope I get to learn from others by joining this server, I am really interested myself and hope to be able to help others as well too. Thank you for taking your time to read into my application. Greets, F_Synchro.


Posted By dubastot read more

New Creative Map


Recently Stym and I had a discussion regarding the Creative map. We have recently added a completely Redstone-dedicated map and are wondering if you guys will be cool with us generating a new Creative map and deleting the old one. I have a form for you to fill out so we can properly assess. Thank you!

This poll is now closed and we would like to thank you for voting! It appears the majority of people were in favour of a new Creative map and I am now calling all members to ask me to transfer their creations. Do it quickly cause the map is going very soon!

Posted By dubastot read more


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